
We all learned quickly to convert our class lectures to live streaming or pre-recorded during the pandemic.  Although referred to as taking our curriculum online, this was actually incorrect.  What we did was convert to virtual teaching, not online education.  However, our online...

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The Challenges of Cheating

There is an abundance of research about cheating. We all know it happens. However, the cold, sobering fact is that cheating continues to be a serious problem in higher education, and yes, students are cheating more than they did in the past (Balbuena & Lamela, 2017; Marshall & Varnon,...

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Is this going to be on the test?

In my experience, there has been one question that has commonly frustrated faculty, including me. It happens when a hand goes up after an hour of lecture, and the question is, "Is this going to be on the test?" It is hard not to feel defeated when all students seem interested in knowing what is...

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How declining enrollment and confidence in higher education is impacting us?

As PA educators, I believe it is important to have a finger of the pulse of what is happening in higher education because it directly or indirectly affects us. I also appreciate that trying to keep up with everything education as a faculty member is challenging, in addition to keeping up with...

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Is Lecture an Effective Teaching Method? Update

A few years back, I wrote a piece on the effectiveness of lectures as a teaching tool.  I decided to revisit this topic to see what is in the educational literature now. Previously, there were a lot of negative judgments about lectures, fueled by a study that defined a "learning pyramid"...

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Navigating Student Evaluations - Take Heart

Student course evaluations are a reality we cannot avoid, although some of us would like to.  The reality is that while these evaluations are necessary, they are not without their challenges.  For most of us, they trigger emotional reactions.  When we get negative comments about...

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It's that Challenging Time of the Semester


I recently read an interesting article that prompted me to address what the author wrote about.  Dr. Donald A. Saucier, a professor at Kansas University, put a voice to something I know I experience, and I am sure many of you do as well.  We are all hitting that challenging time...

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The Flipped Classroom - What you should know.

Two high school teachers introduced the flipped classroom approach in 2007.  They started recording and posting their lectures online to accommodate students who missed class.  This evolved into the flipped classroom approach, where what is usually done in class is now done outside of...

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Introverts as learners: They are more common than you think!

I can't tell you how often I have said to students; they need to be in a study group. I suspect you have too.

I recently read an interesting New York Times Bestseller book by Susan Cain titled "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking." The focus of this book was to...

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To record or not to record: The ongoing debate

It seems to me these days that many of us are still finding our way back to fully in-person teaching.  The pandemic has forever changed what we do in education, both for the positive and the negative.  The issue that seems to be generating quite a bit of angst across faculty in higher...

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