Common Mistakes to Watch for with Multiple-Choice Questions

Multiple choice questions (MCQ) are the mainstay for assessing higher cognitive thinking and are commonly used in medical profession programs, certification, and board exams (NBME, 2021). Writing good multiple-choice questions (MCQ) takes time and practice. It is a knowledge base and skill all...

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Profession Name Change

I recently read an article confirming some of my thoughts about changing our profession's name. I don't usually write opinion pieces, and I am unsure if this will qualify as one, but I want to share my thoughts about it.   

The debate about our name has been an on again - off again...

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Does our classroom physical space impact learning?

Have you ever walked into a classroom and felt uncomfortable? Was it because it was dimly lit? Was it a mess with desks, chairs, and all types of items strewn around the room? Did it look as if the board had not been cleaned in weeks? Were there no windows? Were the lights buzzing? Did it smell...

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Did you include self-care strategies in your New Year’s resolutions?

With the start of a New Year and new semester or quarter, I thought it would be a good idea to revisit the importance of self-care. I suspect many of you have your New Year’s resolutions and plans determined, and hopefully, they include ways of honoring and taking care of you. Burnout is...

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Navigating Challenging Student Behaviors

I don't know about you, but it seems to me that student conduct has become more challenging over the past decade. Certainly, the pandemic seems to have contributed to it, along with the undeniable evidence of how anxious and stressed students are these days. According to Jody Greene, associate...

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Cultivating Resilience

Author’s Note:

In this article, I address resilience. In doing so, I want to first talk about the terms failure and mistakes, as both are important when we think about resilience. Resilience is our ability to bounce back in the face of disappointment. The problem is that the word failure,...

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Assessment and Feedback: Two Critical Components

I am sure we all appreciate the importance of assessment and that it is more than a grade earned on an exam or in a course.  However, how many of us remember that an essential aspect of student success on assessments is related to feedback?  How well do we provide feedback?  Do we...

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Three Common Student Learning Challenges with Lectures

How often have you heard a student say, “I studied really hard, and I knew the material. I don’t understand why I scored so low” when discussing an exam they did not perform well on? Part of this may be because students today are taught to focus on what to learn but not how to...

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Help Your Students Find Awe

One of the things I have noticed over the decades of teaching is the rising stress, anxiety, and perfectionism in students. Learning, which takes effort, should be at the very least enjoyable, if not joyful, especially if you are learning something you have chosen to spend your life doing. So, I...

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We all learned quickly to convert our class lectures to live streaming or pre-recorded during the pandemic.  Although referred to as taking our curriculum online, this was actually incorrect.  What we did was convert to virtual teaching, not online education.  However, our online...

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