Although these evaluations are an essential component of feedback, they can sometimes be very upsetting for faculty. We all know how hard we have worked to put a course together and run it well, especially over this past year. When we get negative comments about our course or our teaching, they...
In all my years in PA education and experience guiding programs through the accreditation process, a common point of confusion is the difference between learning outcomes and competencies. By definition, the consensus from the research, learning outcomes are statements that clearly define...
I recently came across the concept of “motivating presence.” I was captivated by it because, with almost 35 years of teaching experience, I have found a term that truly reflects the nature of the impact we have as teachers. One of the most common themes I have heard from faculty...
In a recent encounter with a faculty member, a student sent an e-mail explaining that she was having difficulty running all the programs at once on her computer during synchronous learning events. She was proactively notifying us that from time to time, her camera would turn off when she had too...
When laptop computers entered the classrooms, the art and skills of taking notes slowly disappeared, and the concept of using paper and a writing utensil became almost obsolete. Having started my teaching career before the invention of desktop computers, I have been and remain a strong advocate...
Here we are, one year into the pandemic, and most of us are still teaching our courses online. Although there may be some light at the end of the tunnel in terms of some campuses permitted limited on-campus time, lecture-heavy courses are tending to remain online. With that being said, teachers...
All of us have had to figure out testing options since moving our courses online. I maintain that academic integrity is also part of our responsibility, in addition to the students. We are accountable for creating a testing environment that mitigates opportunities for cheating and ensures exam...
We all know it has been challenging for both teachers and students to navigate this pandemic. With faculty teaching and students learning from home, focus, motivation, access, quiet space, and Zoom fatigue affect us all. Teaching or learning online has its own unique dynamics that many of us are...
What makes a great teacher has been extensively studied in the educational literature and understandably so. I believe all of us strive to be the best we can be. I think most of us have had some thoughts about what it means to be a great teacher. And while we are all unique in what we bring...
“Brain breaks” are exactly that – giving the working brain a break. By doing so, learning and retention can be enhanced (Willis, 2006; Young 2020). Although the idea of taking a break, for example, when studying, isn’t new, the intentional use of planning breaks in your...
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